F1 Classic

F1 Classic is about the past legends of the Formula 1: pilots, heroes, champions and odd figures; races, triumphs and also tragedies... - Ez a blog a Forma-1 1950-ben elkezdődött, színes, tragikus, de minden ízében izgalmas történetéből idéz fel történeteket, sztorikat, anekdotákat. Ma Vettelről, Hamiltonról, Alonsoról szól a Forma-1, de volt itt valaha egy Fangio, Clark, Surtees, Graham Hill, Jochen Rindt, Jackie Stewart, Fittipaldi, Lauda, Hunt, Andretti, Jones - csak hogy néhány világbajnokot említsek. Hát még a többiek!

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Gilles Villeneuve egy szenzációs bemutatkozás után, amit Silverstone-ban abszolvált egy McLaren M23-assal, 1977 végén a Ferrarinál találta magát. Lauda már megnyerte a bajnokságot, és faképnél hagyta a Commendatorét, aki Villeneuve-öt ültette a helyére. Az immár kétszeres világbajnok osztrák a…

Címkék: 1977 Fuji Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari Niki Lauda Ronnie Peterson Japán Nagydíj

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  Race Engineer of Didier Pironi gave some personal background information for the better understanding to the relationship of the famous Ferrari teammates.   1981 was the first year with the turbo engine. Gilles won two races but Didier had too many problems. Why? It was the first year with the…

Címkék: 1982 1981 Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Imola Zolder Didier Pironi Tommaso Carletti

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Françoise Conconi was the co-pilote of France’s most famous female rally driver, Michèle Mouton. Beside contesting she worked as a television journalist and in this capacity she met several times Gilles Villeneuve. What was your impressions of him? First I met Gilles on the Monaco circuit…

Címkék: Ferrari Monaco Michael Schumacher Gilles Villeneuve Monte Carlo Ayrton Senna Didier Pironi Francoise Conconi

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Thirtyfive years ago Enzo Ferrari decided to replace his World Champion driver, Jody Scheckter with Frenchman Didier Pironi. He was paired with the team’s established darling, Gilles Villeneuve. After the announcement which came in Imola before the 1980 Italian Grand Prix, on Ferrari’s home…

Címkék: 1980 1981 Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari Maranello Jody Scheckter Marco Piccinini Didier Didier Pironi

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Nigel Mansell, World Champion in 1992, was a young friend of Gilles Villeneuve both on and off track. Il Leone is still very proud to have driven the famous number ‘27’ Ferrari during his years with the team.   Formula One was your natural goal and you made it in 1980. What did you think of…

Címkék: Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Nigel Mansell Jarama Nr.27 Le Castellet Kyalami

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Bernie Ecclestone has been involved in Formula 1 for more than half a century. As a promoter of Formula One he would like to have drivers like Gilles Villeneuve mixing it up today. How do you remember Gilles?I think it’s difficult for me to say I remember anything particular. Certainly, he was,…

Címkék: Vettel Gilles Villeneuve Bernie Ecclestone Enzo Ferrari Brabham

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Carlos Reutemann was Gilles’ first team mate at Ferrari. Now an Argintinian Senator, Lole remembers fondly his former Canadian colleague. Do you remember Gilles’ arrival at Ferrari? It was at the end of 1977 when Niki stopped. Gilles was then signed for the next season. We practiced a lot…

Címkék: 1977 Ferrari Japan Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari Jody Scheckter Imola Zolder Long Beach Carlos Reutemann Joanna Lole Brabham Alfa Romeo

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Gordon Kirby had the privilege of having a close working relation with Gilles from the beginnings of his career. Even today he has contact with Gilles’ family. What was the scene in the mid 1970s in the USA and Canada where Gilles made his mark? Looking back, it’s clear now that American…

Címkék: 1977 1976 1975 Fuji Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Silverstone Can-Am Mosport St. Jovite Gordon Kirby

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Andrea de Cesaris is one of the most experienced drivers in Grand Prix history with 208 starts. As a new driver on the Grand Prix circuit he witnessed Gilles Villeneuve’s last season in Formula One. When you arrived in Formula 1 at the start of 1981 Gilles was already a star. How did you see…

Címkék: Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Imola Zolder Silverstone Didier Pironi John Watson Andrea de Cesaris

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René Arnoux is known for many great drives in Formula One, but there is one in particular that stands out in the memories of all Formula One fans...Dijon 1979!   What is your first recollection of Gilles Villeneuve? When did you meet him? I don’t remember exactly. Probably I saw him first…

Címkék: 1982 1983 1981 1979 Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Renault Enzo Ferrari René Arnoux Dijon Watkins Glen Jarama Mauro Forghieri Jean-Pierre Jabouille

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Sir Jackie Stewart liked Gilles Villeneuve a lot as a person and admits he was an exciting driver, but doesn’t count him among the greatest. What is your first memory of Gilles Villeneuve? My strongest memory is of him when we flew home in his helicopter from Imola. There was…

Címkék: 1982 Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Imola Jochen Rindt Ronnie Peterson Sir Jackie Stewart

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Marco Piccinini was the Sport Director of the Ferrari Formula 1 team between 1978-1988. In this capacity he had the closest view of Gilles Villeneuve’s entire Ferrari period. You became Direttore Sportivo when Gilles Villeneuve became part of the team. What was the situation inside Ferrari now…

Címkék: 1982 1978 1981 1979 Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari Monte Carlo Jody Scheckter Imola Monza Zolder Marco Piccinini Piero Ferrari Didier Pironi

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Five-time Grand Prix winner and runner up in the ”nightmare” 1982 World Championship, John Watson moved on to commentate on Formula One for the Eurosport. In true John Watson fashion he has a firm opinion on Gilles Villeneuve.   In 1977 at Silverstone Gilles Villeneuve appeared in Formula 1.…

Címkék: 1982 1978 1977 1981 1979 Ferrari McLaren Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari James Hunt Monte Carlo Brabham Niki Lauda René Arnoux Imola Zolder Dijon Mario Andretti Marco Piccinini Zandvoort Jarama Alan Jones John Watson Jacques Laffite

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Patrick Tambay was Gilles Villeneuve’s closest friend among Formula One drivers. They both arrived in Formula One in the summer of 1977. Five years later, in March 1982, Tambay thought his adventure at the pinnacle of racing was over.  He left the Grand Prix scene and sought employment in other…

Címkék: 1982 1983 1978 1977 1976 1979 Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari James Hunt Marco Piccinini Teddy Mayer Didier Pironi Trois Riviers Patrick Tambay John Hogan Commendatore

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Gerald Donaldson witnessed Gilles Villeneuves’ F1 debut in 1977 and twelve years later his best selling biography on Villeneuve’s life graced the bookshelves of the world. Donaldson recalls the birth of his famous book and Canada’s most famous racing driver.   What was your connection to…

Címkék: 1989 1982 1977 Gilles Villeneuve Silverstone Gerald Donaldson Joanna Villeneuve

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Sergio Vezzali was a Ferrari mechanic from 1958 to 1993. He was responsible for Gilles Villeneuve’s cars while he drove for Ferrari. Still living in Maranello, Vezzali, now 81, fondly remembers Gilles.   When did you first meet Gilles? On the very first day he came to Maranello. He had his…

Címkék: 1982 1978 1977 1981 2012 1979 Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari Monte Carlo Niki Lauda Imola Zolder 312T4 Didier Pironi Sergio Vezzali Giacobazzi

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Tullio Abbate is a constructor of fine Italian motorboats. In 1981 he organized the Rothmans Trophy race for power boats for Formula 1 drivers. It took place on Lake Como prior to the Italian Grand Prix at Monza. Gilles won the first of race, but did not participate in the second and last race due…

Címkék: 1982 1981 Gilles Villeneuve Monza Riccardo Patrese Alain Prost Didier Pironi Jean-Pierre Jarier Tullio Abbate Italian Grand Prix Eddie Cheever Beppe Gabbiani Bruno Giacomelli

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Chris Amon was among those who recognised Gilles Villeneuves’s talent very early. What’s more, he adviced his team boss to hire Gilles intead of himself. That’s how he remembers all this. Where and when did you get to know Gilles? I knew of Gilles from his exploits in Formula Atlantic and…

Címkék: 1977 Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari Chris Amon Maranello Walter wolf st. Jovite

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Bobby Rahal was one of Gilles Villeneuve's hardest opponents in America. This is how he recalls their early days. You raced many times against Gilles. Do you remember the first time? Did he come with a reputation? The first time I raced against Gilles was the opening round of the 1975 Player's…

Címkék: 1976 Ferrari America Indy 500 Jacques Villeneuve Gilles Villeneuve James Hunt Bobby Rahal Alan Jones Trois Riviers Patrick Depailler Vittorio Brambilla Jacques Villeneuve sr.

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Frank Dernie an engineer for the Williams Grand Prix team during the era when Gilles Villeneuve was at his peak with Ferrari. This is how he saw Gilles looking from the Williams team.   As a young engineer how did you rate Gilles when he arrived in F1? Gilles had a reputation as a carefree guy…

Címkék: Ferrari Williams Gilles Villeneuve Alan Jones Frank Dernie 312 T4 Williams FW07

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Jeff V. Hutchinson was a prominent member of Formula 1 journalists who followed the sport during the romatic era of the 1970s and 1980s. He has his own view of Gilles Villeneuve. Did Ferrari take a big risk hiring Villeneuve to replace Lauda at the end of 1977? Not really, he was obviously a…

Címkék: 1982 1977 1979 Ferrari McLaren Gilles Villeneuve Enzo Ferrari Rio Imola Zolder Pironi Reutemann Jeff V. Hutchinson Scheckter

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A young man from Berthierville became an adoring fan of Gilles Villeneuve. After his hero’s death he began to organize a museum for Gilles. Today, Alain Bellehumeur is the curator of that museum. When did you catch the Villeneuve fever? My first job was a journalist. Barely out of school, I…

Címkék: Canada Ferrari Gilles Villeneuve Berthierville Zolder Alain Bellehumeur

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Alan Jones, Formula 1 World Champion of 1980. He had many classic fights against Gilles Villeneuve. That’s how he recalls the Canadian in 2014 from Down Under.   Lets start with 1977 when Niki Lauda resigned from Ferrari; there were a hint that you were considered as his replacement. Is there…

Címkék: 1980 1977 1981 1979 Ferrari Monaco Williams Andretti Gilles Villeneuve Zandvoort Alan Jones

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Emerson Fittipaldi - living legend of Formula 1. Emerson has many memories and stories from the 1970s. He talked about Gilles Villeneuve from his Brazilian home. Villeneuve A Racing Legend! Buy the Book   A kind of parallel between you and Gilles; you started with World…

Címkék: 1982 1977 Lotus Gilles Villeneuve Colin Chapman Copersucar Emerson Fittipaldi Jody Scheckter Jochen Rindt Zolder Keke Rosberg Mosport Jackie Sewart

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Ercole Colombo is one the big names among Formula One photographers. A long serving witness with his camera who was and still is a devoted admirer of  Gilles Villeneuve.  Villeneuve A Racing Legend! Buy the Book When did you first meet Gilles? What was your first…

Címkék: 1982 1977 1976 Ferrari Argentina Gilles Villeneuve Maranello Imola Zolder Ercole Colombo Jean-Pierre Jarier

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